Saturday, January 25, 2025

My Cultural Life - Other Times and Places

What's Up?

What a week this has been. Fascists back in the White House. I got shafted by the pub committee (again). My football team is a load of shit. The country has gone mad for Public Inquiries - you trip on the pavement, have a Public Inquiry! Populist bullshit is now proving more popular than actual facts - I mean, facts are for pussies...

It's almost the end of January, all 14,307 days of it. Actually I usually get the impression that January is 31 days, not fewer or more, although it's never made an awful lot of sense, why don't they make January and March 30 days so that they can then make February 30 days as well? That way we can do away with Leap Years. Yes, it won't prevent wars or famine or anything else, but it might piss a few people off and as long as they're right wing arseholes then some other, decent, people will be happy. We do, after all, live in a world that is so divisive that maybe the only solution would be to move all the nice people to the southern hemisphere and all the arseholes to Svalbard. All of them, on one island, with polar bears.

I heard that thing the other day; this time from a woman I know in town. The weather seems to have been miserable and dull for weeks and when it isn't it's been fucking cold. Then this person I know (she's in her late 70s to be fair) said, "Hopefully we'll have a good summer. We deserve a good summer." We might deserve one but we'll get whatever we're given. I mean, I'm sorry to be so negative but the forces of Mother Nature have never been that bothered with what we deserve; it's not a democracy; we can't vote on whether we want a nice summer.

Every day I switch on the TV, I get bombarded with bad news or things that boil my piss. As mentioned above, it seems despite all the cuts, everybody wants a Public Inquiry. No one seems to realise these things cost millions and millions of quids and that money could go to preventing someone in need missing out. I mean, look at the Southport tragedy. We know who did it, why he did it and what the consequences are, but we seem to have to have a public inquiry about it now. I can understand one about the Post office, because that was corruption at the highest level that was covered up or breezed over, but when we actually know what happened, it seems like Obi Wan Keir is just pandering to the vocal minority - being a populist rather than facing our problems head on.

Then I turn it over and that fucking awful Morning Live is featuring Today's Scam. It's become an extension of Rip Off Britain and Scambusters UK, it's like we live in a country where scammers are allowed to get away with shit because we don't have the resources to deal with them and also we live in a country where so many of the population are either pig ignorant, cretinous morons or so fucking selfish they think something that's too good to be true is true and going to benefit them. What a fucking world we live in when scammers make a decent living out of fleecing old people of their savings and then they sleep well at night knowing there's fuck all anyone is going to do about it. We get warned about scammers all the time and the way we deal with them isn't by tracking them down and having them flayed and displayed down high streets, we're told to put the phone down or ignore them, like that will make them go away... [I was semi-joking about the flayed thing]

Mr Rightside

On the recommendation of a certain Mr Shipp of Tottingham, we watched the Sam Rockwell and Anna Kendrick film called Mr Right. It's about a slightly psychotic girl called Martha who is recovering from a bad break up when her husband/boyfriend comes home with another woman, so she goes to live with her friend in New Orleans.

Sam Rockwell plays Mr Right (or Francis), a former hitman who has gone kind of rogue and now kills people who hire him to kill people. He is being tracked by Tim Roth, his former partner who got upset that Francis didn't want to kill people any more. Francis sees Martha in a convenience store and decides to ask her for a date, against her better nature she accepts and the two fall in love. However, when Mr Right kills a man on a bridge in full view things change, but they also change when he shows Martha that she has the same abilities he has. Those abilities are being able to see everything all at once. To anticipate next moves and therefore prevent horrible things from happening to himself. At first she's horrified but eventually she's more intrigued and attracted than she can believe. This sets up the second half of the film. It's one of those action films where the main protagonist is almost superhuman in his ability to 'sort out' situations. An ex-special forces guy who is a one man killing machine, but is also quite goofy and totally insane but in a good way despite being able to kill people with anything that's in his hand. It's great fun, but I have a problem with Kendrick. Not just in this film, but just about everything I've seen her in; there's something weird and fucked up about her; something in her eyes that says she's not all there and definitely something about her that is both sexy and a bit scary - maybe it's because she's so... American? This is a good film, very enjoyable with several LOL moments. It gets a 7/10. 

Shit in Action

Do you have Netflix? Have you seen the film Back in Action advertised on the streaming platform? If you have then keep the fuck away from it. Don't be tempted, because it is an atrocious pile of stinking vomit and should not be watched if you want to have 100 minutes of your life to do something more enjoyable, like pulling your own finger nails out or being nailed to a sloth...

Back in Action is the first movie Cameron Diaz has made in over a decade, it's not a good call; the last one being a film with Jamie Foxx, who has seen his star fall so alarmingly he's now almost a parody of the man who won an Oscar and was so good when he was a younger man. This film about two spies who use the plane crash they were in to disappear, go off grid and raise a family, is one of the worst thought out action comedies ever to be made. Huge swathes of it didn't make sense, the wife was even picking the thing to pieces when they started moving round London and she was saying things like, "If they're heading for the Thames Barrier why are they going the wrong way?" And, "If they were there and now they're there then they travelled about five miles in less than five seconds." It wasn't funny; it wasn't adventurous; it wasn't clever and I really wanted to turn it off after about an hour, because I've seen turds that have been more exciting and interesting. This gets the stinkiest 2/10 you can imagine.

The Reading List

I read this book back in September. I'm sure I never mentioned it in here, did a check and couldn't find it, so as the wife has just finished it, I thought I would dedicate a few lines to it - Susanna Clarke's Piranesi. I can't remember why I didn't review it, I mean, I review just about everything. I'd review some of my more interesting shits if I took notes while doing them... Piranesi is by the same author who brought us the endearingly wonderful Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell, one of the best books I have ever read about two warring magicians in an 18th century Britain, where magic exists and faeries play a big part in the way those things exist.

Piranesi is about a man who lives in a huge building and he's essentially a servant of the Other. He's possibly the seventh or eighth person to reside in the house as he has found the bones of at least seven other people. Then stuff begins to happen that makes him question his entire existence and the strange story begins to unfurl in front of us. It is short, weird, tragic and remarkable. You should read it, it's an extraordinary story that deserves our attention. Clarke really is a superb writer.

Time's Bullshit

For the love of God. I cannot believe I've waited so long to watch this unrelenting stream of stinky shit. All the hassle to get a copy with decent subtitles, to try and find out what the opening four minutes is about and the pfaffing about I've been through to be able to sit down and watch Cronos, the debut feature of Guillermo del Toro, only for it to be slightly worse than having a bath in a sink full of someone else's vomit. Jesus - literally and metaphorically - this was a dreadful film (Jesus is the name of the protagonist). I mean drop dead dreadful. The music sounded like it was from a Mexican porn film and the acting wasn't far behind. I wondered if I'd somehow stumbled on a copy that had been cut to ribbons, but no, this was the right length. The Cronos device can bestow eternal life on whoever uses it, but it comes with a price - being in this film for starters - it's got a vampire twist, a Frankenstein twist, a zombie twist and none of them are twists. Utter, utter bilge 1/10.

Criminal Holmes?

I think Steven Moffatt misses Sherlock Holmes. I mean who wouldn't. He had a successful TV series making the master detective a contemporary character and then because of circumstances it fizzled out. So the one thing that kept running through my mind while watching Inside Man was, 'he misses writing Sherlock, so he's come up with another 'similar' idea.'

Inside Man is a strange fish. It starts off as a horrible misunderstanding that goes catastrophically wrong and gradually becomes a dark comedy of errors that feels terribly contrived. Don't get me wrong, it's great fun and the addition of Stanley Tucci as a killer on death row, who just happens to be a genius criminologist is a clever and well played move, but... I dunno, there's just something ludicrous about the denouement, of which I won't delve into too much because, you know, spoilers. David Tennant plays a much loved vicar in a suburb of London; he lives in a fabulous vicarage with his wife and son, who is studying for his A levels and said son gets extra maths lessons from a teacher called Janice.

It starts with Janice saving the bacon of a young journalist on the tube by doing something brave but really clever; the thing is the journo wants to interview the teacher but she's not up for that, but the journo wouldn't let it lie and the two become something more than just casual acquaintances. Meanwhile Tennant's vicar is dealing with a dodgy verger who desperately wants him to hold onto a flash drive which contains pornography and keep it away from his domineering mother. The flash drive ends up being handed to the maths teacher and things spiral out of control from that point on as the flash drive contains kiddie porn and the vicar tries to take responsibility for it because the teacher thinks his son is responsible.

The journalist goes to the USA to interview Tucci about his death sentence and why he's still helping people solve crimes even though he's waiting to die. While she's there she gets a text message from Janice with a picture of a man's hand lunging towards her. She doesn't answer her phone so the journo goes back to Tucci and asks him if he can help find the woman because she's worried about her. All of this happens in the first episode, but by the end you've pretty much run out of patience with Janice plus the vicar and his family are now so mired in the horrendous situation they're in that the story takes a back seat. There are things that happen in it that are contrived to make the plot move forward - a problem Moffatt had when he wrote Doctor Who - everything from the viewing of the flash drive's contents to the ending, which was slightly silly; even the epilogue felt forced, like it was being set up for a sequel. It was an enjoyable four-part series but it was badly flawed. It's probably going to turn up on the BBC at some point, this year would be my guess and it might be worth you watching, if you can get past the flaws in the overall story.

Ill Lumon-Ating

Okay, Severance is back and everyone is raving about it. But are we going to get an advance on the story or are they going to find a way to reset and repeat? I think it's the latter given the way the extended opening episode went. There's a few wrinkles, such as Hellie clearly lying about her time outside - did she do that because she doesn't want the others to know just who she is or is she really her outie pretending to be her innie? This season opener all takes place on the severed floor inside the Lumon building and introduced us, briefly, to a new team for a while before the old team miraculously returned. It's also allegedly been five months since the season one finale, but is it? Mr Milchick is now the floor manager and Mrs Cobel is nowhere to be seen. 

Then the second episode did something I didn't see coming, but did sort of expect. I'll explain: I expected the second episode to be outside of Lumon, what I didn't expect was just how it was going to play out. More happened in it than I anticipated and many of the questions I believed were going to be brushed over for the sake of a continuing series were actually addressed. Whether anything will come from it is anyone's guess, but one thing is becoming clearer, this is a creepy, disconcerting and troubling show and Lumon need Mark S (Adam Scott); what they need him for is unclear, because, frankly, what his team do on the severed floor is strange and quite inexplicable. The problem is outside Mark Scout is just as intrigued and confused about what is going on and we don't know if he's genuinely back on the severed floor because he feels it's beneficial to him or is he there to ultimately get some answers. There is a real feeling you're watching a horror film; the vibe is most definitely scary.

This show needs to move forward, but it's been a huge success so the odds are that it will tread water; it will stay as weird as fuck and hope to deflect the viewer away from the fact that it's going nowhere fast. I get this feeling because if there is a third season it means we're probably going to get nothing resolved. Don't get me wrong, it's compulsive TV but so was Lost until it started to get on peoples' nerves. It doesn't matter how good it is, if we get to the end of episode 10 and we're still where we were at the start of this or last season then I might just give up on it. I don't know what the ultimate aim is or what the story behind what we see might be; it's just like a perpetual shaggy dog story and it needs to be more... The problem is it's just so fucking good.

Made Up Truths

We ended the week watching a five year old mini-series, one which we'd never heard of but turned out to be an absolutely stonking show that was powerful, disturbing, gripping and full of despair. Unbelievable came out in 2019 and it was and might still be on Netflix. If you have this platform then you need to watch this because it will blow you away, make you angry and give you a sense of justification by the end of it. It starts off with Kaitlyn Dever (last seen in Booksmart) as Marie, a troubled late teen who is raped in her apartment in the early hours of the morning. The problem is she's white trash, comes from a really troubled background and eventually because of her behaviour and some inconsistencies in her story, the police think she's making it up. This isn't helped by a former foster parent almost confirming to the police that the Marie is troubled and might be seeking attention.

Fast forward three years to Colorado and the rape of a student in her room with exactly the same MO as the earlier rape and enter Merrit Wever as a detective and Toni Collette as another detective from another area of Colorado, who by some fortunate bit of luck are thrown together and compare notes to realise that the rapes both of them are working on might be the work of a serial rapist. From this point it becomes part police procedural and part biopic. Marie's story all takes place in 2008 and her life spirals out of control in a really horrible way, while in 2011 the two detectives work tirelessly to solve their cases as more and more of them get unearthed. This is a harrowing series, but it absolutely knocks it out of the park. I don't think, if you are a fan of true crime stories and police procedurals, that you won't see anything quite as excellent as this. I didn't intend to rate TV shows the way I do films, but this absolutely deserves the 8.3 rating it has on IMDB and I'd give it a 9.5/10; the only thing that stops it getting top marks is the feeling of slight injustice you get at the end.

What's Up Next...

I'm hoping I won't be in so much pain. It seems that I don't ever get a break as far as some things are concerned and this time I've got a tooth problem that I might have to wait until the end of June to be sorted, but I hope can be helped sooner; but you probably know what a monumental fuck up our dental services are at the moment, so I expect I'm just going to have to try and manage it until it gets too much to cope with...

Oh, TV and film, yeah, there's that as well. There's stuff to watch, stuff to avoid and stuff that's going to land without my remembering or realising. Like there's something new due in the coming week, but I've forgotten what it is, while on the film front, it's the end of January, there's probably fuck all that's due for release that's going to be much better than that pile of excrement called Back in Action.

As usual, what you see is what you get, so fingers crossed I have something worth complaining about or praising.


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My Cultural Life - Different Kinds of Dystopia

What's Up? The West is gone. There is no more West. The alliance between Europe and North America was destroyed when the despot ruining ...