Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Goat Cheese Enema

According to the front page of the Guardian, if you are Asian you stand 42 times more likely to be arrested or questioned on suspicion of terrorism. 42, huh? That's extremely specific, don't you think? Did they round that figure up from 41.5 times or down from 42.3 times? Who did the maths?


As a friend of a friend pointed out; the Guardian also ran a lovely little letter from a reader asking if the public could take superinjunctions out against celebrities, so we don't have to read about them any more!


Ryan Giggs shags large breasted glory hunting dog while leaving his wife and kids at home to watch Corry - come on, sue me, you hairy Welsh midget!


So, for some reason Bob Dylan turning 70 is headline news. I thought it was August where we saw dancing sheep and women giving birth to 6 babies she had no idea she was carrying type stories? I'll be 50 next year, perhaps the BBC will do an Alan Yentob special on me?


My boiler was serviced by a man from Ghana. He was also a Liverpool fan. I had just two words for him - Luis Suarez.


I've been mildly enjoying Game of Thongs or whatever it's called (despite all the thundering Yorkshire accents in it), but I have several problems in general...

George RR Martin. Now have his middle names really got Rs at the start of them or did he think, 'hm, it worked for Tolkien'.
If this series takes place on a different world, how come they all have normal(ish) names. Jamie and Robert just two examples? Or the fact that it looks like Earth and has all the same creatures as Earth.
Did the author (or maybe the producers of the series) think: what do fanboys love more than anything else? Blood, guts, sex, incest, homosexuality, dwarfs, using the C word for no apparent reason and dragons, would be my guess. All stock examples of generic science fantasy. Did Martin actually have an idea or did he just take all fantasy elements, chuck them in a bowl and waited for something to come crawling out of the slime?

Don't get me wrong - compared to Starz's Camelot, which, apart from Joseph Ffiennes's splendid Merlin, is just a mishmash of nudity and bad acting, Game of Thrones is top drawer entertainment. It's just a bit... you know... nerdy. I'm watching it with half an eye on whatever the next stereotypical fantasy element is about to make an appearance.

The dwarf is great though. best actor in the series. Best role. Best lines and storyline. Class act.


Apparently an Italian music promoter reckons he can tempt Talk Talk out of retirement. Good luck with that one!


Having spent the last 10 days playing the 28 audio cassettes I deemed worthy of not throwing away, it is amazing how they ever proved to be so popular, apart from the ease of portability. The quality is remarkably shit, it takes forever to rewind or fast forward and in my infinite wisdom, when I put all these tapes together, I opted not to include any information on the inlay cards. This has led me to writing in marker open on several - I don't know what it is, but Keep!


Do abacuses count for anything?

1 comment:

  1. I finally gave up on Game of Thrones. I found the book boring and there's a lot of Idiot Plotting — as in the characters do idiotic things just so the plot can advance -- in it, and the TV series is a very accurate adaptation, so I'm done with it. The dwarf is the best character in the book too, and the chap playing him has done a very good job; if it were just about him I might be more interested. I'm in the minority though; most fantasy and scifi fans I know absolutely love it, but I just find it a bit dull and, well, ordinary.


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