Saturday, January 22, 2011

Anorexic Filth

A good friend of mine, who I haven't seen for far too long, used the expression 'fuckity fuck fuck' a few weeks ago and I laughed. Today I used it in a similar context to her. I pulled a muscle in my back. I did it walking out of the toilet - not sitting on it or standing up from it, but walking out of it after sorting my hedgerow hair out. The pitfalls of lack of use means that muscles become more prone to being pulled. Thank fuck for Tramadol...

The specialist has deemed me worthy of seeing. February 16th is my date with destiny. We shall attempt to leave my skeletal woes alone until then. However, while having a late afternoon beer with a friend yesterday and listening to his scary health stories, I couldn't help but comment (and tempt fate) by saying that apart from two days of lurgy over the festive season, I have been surprisingly germ free and I'm no longer adolescent. The wife commented that maybe, before I started smoking (a time I barely remember as I was probably 3 when I had me first fag) I was quite healthy. Oddly enough, the only thing I really remember about my youth and illness was suffering from tonsillitis almost continuously until I was 25 and had them out.

Speaking of which; big shout out to my adorable niece Lou, who is in NGH at the moment after succumbing to a raging infection, which it seems started life as tonsillitis. She's perky enough to update her Facebook status, so fingers crossed she'll be released and back home before anyone notices she's missing!


I discovered post rock beauty the other day. I really like Sigur Ros, but I find some of their stuff a bit meh. They're the sort of band that produce an album and you love half of it and want the other half to go and haunt someone you don't like very much. Regular readers of this here blog might remember me mentioning Liam Sharp, the comics artist who I wrote horrific reviews about who came looking for me at a comics convention, not to rip my head off and shit down my neck, but to thank me for helping save his career? Well, I reconnected with him this week via Facebook and on Wednesday he posted a link to a video and song by a band called Kwoon.
It is quite possibly one of the greatest videos I have ever seen (the actual video is at the beginning of this section); the song is quite extraordinarily brilliant and the two Kwoon albums are heart lifting works of utter genius. Learn about them here: here: and here: I can't quite get over the fact that they're French...


Back in the early 1990s, I had two business partners. One was an utter dipshit, the other was a nice man with only one leg. Yesterday, I thought I should go and look for the latter on Facebook; see if I can reconnect with him. There were over 1000 people with the name Brian Curtis and it's been nearly 20 years since I saw him. The search ended up being fruitless. I should maybe try and track him down some other way!


The beard went last night. I got bored with it. It wasn't a great conversationalist and like the wife's tights made my face itch...


Fingers crossed for me over the next week, please.

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